

  “As soon as you wake up in the morning list, in your mind, think of five things you would love to experience, whether they're immediate desires or their long-term desires,” she recommends. “Do the same thing before you go to bed. Work the power of your own imagination and start to dream bigger than where you are now.”Some practitioners call this creative visualization. Mysticism aside, this Soul manifestation review strategy does make sense. If you always have the things you hope to experience on the forefront of your mind, you’ll be more conscious of opportunities to get closer to those things when they present themselves.Manifestation sometimes gets criticized for “good vibes only” sentiments, which is one of the reasons practitioners want to be clear that it’s not about bypassing what’s happening in the world.   Yes, putting positivity out there is part of manifestation, but that doesn’t mean ignoring problems in our own lives and in the world at large. “We can acknow...